Where Results Matter
Get ready to transform yourself both inside and out.
Join Firestorm Martial Arts to nurture the warrior within, enhance your self-esteem, and take your practice to the next level.
With our wide variety of classes for all skill levels, everyone is truly welcome.
High Standard of Instruction by Fully Qualified Instructors​
All instructors have first aid qualifications and undergo regular training to keep their skillls up to date.​
Positive and Supportive Club Culture
Our family ​atmosphere and strategic instruction produces strong progression in the student's ability and confidence
Flexible and Engaging Curriculum
Great classes and training program that allow for all students to achieve great benefits and improvement in their training and daily life.
Click photos below for our class information
Adults Martial Arts Classes
Kidz Karate Classes
Little Dragons Classes
Check out our social media sites
Unit 9, 21 Power Road, Bayswater Victoria 3153
Phone :0419 327 672